Software Implementations

Pathway to Success

We guide you through a three-step implementation process:

  1. Initial data entry for permanent data such as clients, employees and project templates.

  2. Testing of routine transactions together with your agency-based transactions that are non-standard.

  3. Going live:

    a. Firstly, with the AM, PM and Creative team; and

    b. Secondly, with the Accounting team.


We work in an industry where data entry impacts many different aspects of an agency.

  • Production and Media costs that not only need to be tracked and billed to clients but also linked to eventually pay the vendor as well.

  • Accounting for unbilled costs too!

  • Scheduling projects as efficiently as possible, including freelancers.

  • Tracking new business opportunities and conversions.

  • Estimating statements of work to ensure a profit is earned.

  • Managing write-offs by type, employee, project and client.

  • Examining write-ups (value-adds) by project type.

  • Determining the ideal employee utilization AND realization in your agency.

  • Operating using industry best practices.

You can have all of the above with a successful software implementation.